Top 5 Ways to earn money from Blogging in 2022

 Top 5 ways to earn money from Blogging :- Hey guys how are you all today in this post I am going to tell you about the top 5 Ways to earn money from Blogging so let’s begin:-

So there are many ways to earn money from blogging but we are only discussing about the top 5 ways to earn money from blogging because beginners will get confused if I told about many many ways to earn money from blogging. 

Using Google Adsense

You can use ad networks to earn money from blogging. There is a very big ad network which is from Google and It is also used for earning money by many hindi bloggers. It is believed a ideal way to earn money from blogs. To earn money using Google Adsense you have to simply do the one thing that is applying for adsense. You can do this right from your monetization tab if your blog is on blogger. Here you can click on create account option and follow all the steps you see on the screen. By this method you will able to earn a significant amount of money in the beginning of your blog.

By Affiliate Marketing

You can also do affiliate marketing on your blog. This is the second step which you can do after starting earning from blogger what you can do is that you can simply start earning money by affiliate marketing it is very profitable way to earn money from blogger. In this what you have to do is that you have to simply go to some websites and they have their own programs called affiliate programs you can join these programs. What happens in these programs is that you will get a link which is of some product or that kind of thing you have to simply promote this link to the people you will be getting the commission on every sell from the link that you was given in this way you will be earning the money. Now you can simply promote the affiliate link to your blog and automatically generate affiliate commissions.

Guest Posting

This is a way which can make a huge revenue for you in this when your blog is popularized enough and is having good traffic then many companies start approaching you saying that please write a post on this/that topic and we are ready to pay to you in return. You can simply take up these kind of programmes and start earning money.

Blog Selling

This is a type of different way. In this way of earning money what you do is that you simply grow a blog and sell them to other people in lakhs of dollars. This can make you a huge money but at the end it requires very much hardwork and time. I don’t recommend this method to beginners.

Product Selling

This is a way of earning money which can cross the line of ten crores if done with wisdom. In this method what you do is that you simply create some digital products like eBooks and online courses and start selling them on their blog website. This leds to a huge income and there are many people out in the market which want that kind of eBooks or online courses. You can also start doing this side by side because this needs on time hardwork and you will be able to receive money in your whole lifetime even if you left blogging due to some region.


Now you got the top 5 ways to earn money from blogging. These are the top ways which I used to earn money as a blogger. I think that you should also use at least one of them.

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